
The Learning Curve

Our world is spinning at 465 meters per second; but thanks to the technological-age, my head is now spinning at 3x that rate! Although technology has brought many luxuries to our fingertips,  such as instant photo sharing, buying that must-have pair of boots from the comfort of our couch, or answering the age old question of, “does coconut oil contain Omega-3?” (thanks, Google!), the side effect of this constant informational barrage is a learning curve gone wild!

My current project involves moving my website and blog to WordPress.  Yes, I know, “it’s so easy” you/they/whotheheckever say.  Please tell my brain that.  I am stuck in the ruts of Dreamweaver and iWeb.  Wordpress is a foreign language that drives on the wrong side of the street!  Alas, I will continue the good fight.  Wish me luck!

P.S. If any of you WordPress geniuses are for hire, feel free to call me!