Photography | Stylized Photoshoots

60’s Diva Photoshoot

What do you get when you combine a six foot tall beauty with heels and a foot of feathers? BAM! Some kicka$$ images that belong in the pages of Vogue Magazine!  So MOD.

These images started with a simple dress I found at Sew Now Studio. If you ever need a dress, or alterations, make sure to visit the fabulous ladies at Sew Now Studio in Shelton, WA. The ostrich feathers were also provided by Sew Now.

Chandra, from Elements Salon, and I had a a blast with this shoot. I love collaborating with creative people. It not only makes the job a ton of fun, but it encourages my brain to stretch out of its comfort zone and create looks I may not have discovered on my own.

The toughest part of preparing for this particular look was finding the right location. I originally wanted an industrial feel, but wasn’t having much luck finding the right place. I drove around town with an open mind (and eye) and then this wall magically appeared. I say magically, because I have driven by that particular wall thousands of times and never considered photographing it. I absolutely love how perfectly the location complimented the style of the shoot. It looks like it could be New York, or London in the 60’s, but it’s right here in lil ol’ Shelton, WA!

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  1. These photos are breathtakingly beautiful!! You are right – this is VOGUE material !

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